
We help companies to redefine the security posture of their applications and infrastructure by providing cost effective security testing solutions.

Web and Mobile Applications have been replacing desktop applications for their advanced functionality, quicker response times, ease of access and cost-effectiveness improving business operations. But as these applications get more functional and flexible, they become more vulnerable to malicious attacks too. Kairosols brings you the Web and Mobile Application Penetration Testing services to identify the security flaws by providing a hacker’s perspective of the application. As the newer technologies get more advanced and sophisticated, the security risks also become greater and far more devastating.

We’ve been doing Application Security and Infrastructure security for years.

Based on the requirements, our flexible security testing methodology and processes can be adopted to provide security testing services at various stages of a secure development life cycle.

On Demand – One Off Engagement

Get an On Demand – One Off kind assessment done on your web and mobile applications which could include a secure static code analysis or dynamic code analysis or network vulnerability assessments to identify vulnerabilities and reduce the risk.

Our post vulnerability identification activities include providing actionable and comprehensive reports, handholding your teams to help them understand the risk and how to implement the mitigations to reduce the attack surface

On Going Consulting and Long-Term Engagements

Our specialization in the delivering of security testing services has resulted in many organizations gaining tangible quality benefits.

Kairosols brings the required expertise to address the unique security requirements of various organizations. Our security experts provide organizations with actionable plans that reduce the risk to acceptable limits, reduces the costs with customized solutions and help improve end user confidence.

We can provide project management and staffing resources who can own your security testing practices and work along with your teams or independent of your teams to perform Secure Architecture Design Reviews​, Threat Modeling, Static Code Analysis, Dynamic Application Security Testing, Gray Box Penetration Testing, Cloud Security Posture and Network Vulnerabiity scans,. that is on site, remote or through managed support. You can be assured that Kairosols is equipped to engage at any level that is right and required for your organization.
Kairosols believes that our ability to work as an independent security testing services provider to different customers will be a significant advantage in driving up the quality levels required by the customers.

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